A guide to risk assessment and risk management of intimate partner violence against women for police

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Formato: Libro electrónico
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Ver en Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca:https://koha.upsa.es/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=991069
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Notas:Almost one in three women in an intimate partner relationship in the EU Member States has experienced physical and/or sexual violence, and globally 38 % of all murders of women are intimate partner femicides. Both figures indicate the deep societal roots and persistence of gender-based violence in particular and of gender inequality in general. Risk assessment procedures and risk management strategies, when properly implemented, can efficiently protect female victims of intimate partner violence and prevent their revictimisation. This guide is specifically centred on intimate partner violence, since it is the most widespread form of violence against women, affecting women’s well-being, autonomy and equal access to opportunities. In particular, it focuses on risk assessment and risk management processes and practices implemented by the police. The police are considered to be a key actor in the criminal justice system of all EU Member States, since they are often tasked with the front-line management of intimate partner violence, taking the lead role in formal risk assessment processes.
Descripción Física:1 recurso en línea
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