Study to assess the impacts related to possible evolutions of EUROSUR Final report

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Notas:This is the Final Report of a Study which assessed the impacts related to the possible evolution of the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) – the common framework for information exchange and cooperation between Member States and Schengen Associated Countries’ (thereafter referred to as Member States) national authorities with a responsibility for border surveillance and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA, ex-Frontex). The Study aimed to support Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission (DG HOME) in elaborating and assessing proposals for possible modifications of Regulation 1052/2013 and built on the results of DG HOME’s evaluation of Regulation 1052/2013 (the 'EUROSUR Regulation).
Descripción Física:1 recurso en línea
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