Feasibility study for a child guarantee Case studies on the effectiveness of funding programmes: key findings and study reports

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Notas:Following the call in 2015 from the European Parliament to introduce a Child Guarantee and the subsequent request to the European Commission in 2017 to implement a Preparatory Action to explore its potential scope, the Commission launched a feasibility study in 2018 to examine and make proposals as to how a specific programme could best be developed in order to ensure that the EU’s most disadvantaged children have access to five key social rights: adequate nutrition, free education, free healthcare, decent housing and free early childhood education and care. This Feasibility Study for a Child Guarantee (FSCG) has been commissioned as a key part of the Preparatory Action agreed between the European Commission and the European Parliament. It is managed by a consortium consisting of Applica and the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), in collaboration with Eurochild and Save the Children, and with the support of nine thematic experts, 28 national experts and an independent study editor. In addition to several analytical documents prepared in the context of the feasibility study, eight cases studies have been carried out to learn how specific international (EU and/or non-EU) funding programmes can stimulate the development and roll-out of interventions to help vulnerable children, and how they might leverage increased national (or subnational) funding to support these children. The case studies were aimed at identifying factors which increase the effectiveness of funding programmes as well as weaknesses in their design, implementation and monitoring that could limit their effects. Guidelines were prepared by the FSCG core team for the purpose. The experts involved were invited to conduct their analysis on the basis of existing research reports, evaluations of the programme in question and other relevant material. They were asked to consult with the people responsible for developing and monitoring the programme and other relevant stakeholders. This document presents the main findings from the eight case studies together with the eight study reports. Section 1 provides a brief presentation of the eight case studies. Section 2 presents a short evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the funding programmes involved. Section 3 concludes. The eight study reports are provided in annex.
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