Evaluation of measures/actions implemented under the Schengen Facility in Croatia Final report

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Formato: Libro electrónico
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Notas:This study evaluated the Schengen Facility for Croatia (SF). It examined all outcomes, including outputs, results and impacts of the implementation of actions and measures under the SF between 01 July 2013 and 21 January 2017. The evaluation assessed six evaluation criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, sustainability, and EU added value. The analysis was based on desk research, case studies and stakeholder consultation activities, which involved interviews and an online survey. The Schengen Facility had a significant positive impact on strengthening the control at the external borders, which could not have been achieved to the same extent and the same timeline only with national financing. Even though the SF effects are likely to be sustainable in the long-run, the decreasing national funding may result in inability to maintain and upgrade the acquired equipment. The objectives of the Schengen Facility were relevant to the EU and Croatian needs and relevance was constantly reinforced via the flexible approach of the SF. The targets of the SF have been largely met and the results were achieved at a reasonable cost through competitive procedures, but monitoring was not adequate.
Descripción Física:1 recurso en línea
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