A Critical Rethinking of the Condemned Other

Detalles Bibliográficos
Formato: Libro electrónico
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Notas:Autor: Tottle, Sarah
Capital punishment remains an ethical issue even today. America is the only country in the West to retain the death penalty. In a modern, pluralist society like the USA, capital punishment is complex. It is situated within an intricate history, unequally distributed between the North and South and unfairly administered to African-Americans. The horrors of the past have left a residue in the modern era. Thus, this book has aimed to show the complexities of capital punishment in the US state of Georgia and the ambivalence of identity for those on death row. I have utilised a case that made international news, that of Troy Anthony Davis, an African-American accused by the state of Georgia of murdering an Anglo-American police officer.
Descripción Física:1 recurso en línea
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