In Search of God’s Power in Broken Bodies A Theology of Maum

Interweaving feminist theological ideas, Asian spirituality, and the witnesses of World War II sex slaves, this book offers a new theology of body. It examines the multi-layered meaning of the broken body of Christ from Christological, sacramental, and ecclesiological perspectives, while exploring t...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: SpringerLink (Servicios en línea) (-)
Otros Autores: Chong, Hwa-Young autor (autor)
Formato: Libro electrónico
Publicado: New York : Palgrave Macmillan US 2013.
Colección:New Approaches to Religion and Power
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Sumario:Interweaving feminist theological ideas, Asian spirituality, and the witnesses of World War II sex slaves, this book offers a new theology of body. It examines the multi-layered meaning of the broken body of Christ from Christological, sacramental, and ecclesiological perspectives, while exploring the centrality of body in theological discourse.
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