Sumario: | The editors' substantive introduction and the specially commissioned chapters in this Handbook explore the emergence of transnational labour law and its contested contours by juxtaposing the expansion of traditional legal methods with the proliferation of contemporary alternatives such as indicators, framework agreements and consumer-led initiatives. Key international (ILO, IMF, OECD) and regional (EU, IACHR, SADC) institutions are studied for their coverage of such classic topics as freedom of association, equality, and sectoral labour standard-setting, as well as for the space they provide for dialogue. The volume underscores transnational labour law's capacity to build hard and soft law bridges to migration, climate change and development. The volume roots transnational labour law in a counter-hegemonic struggle for social justice. Bringing together the scholarship of 41 experts from around the globe, this book encompasses and goes beyond the role of international and regional organizations in relation to labour standards and their enforcement, providing new insights into debates around freedom of association, equality and the elimination of forced labour and child labour. By including the influence of consumers in supply chains alongside the more traditional actors in this field such as trade unions, it combines a range of perspectives both theoretical and contextual.