Notas:"The present volume is a record of two years' excavations in the Fayûm, the first in 1895-96 conducted by D. G. Hogarth and B. P. Grenfell, who were joined subsequently by A. S. Hunt; the second in 1898-99 by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt ... Part I (introductory), part II, iv-vii describing the excavations at Kasr et Banât, Harît, &c., and part III, containing texts of papyri, ostraca, and indices, are by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt; part II, i-iii, describing the excavations at Kôm Ushim and Umm et 'Atl, with plates II and III, are by D. G. Hogarth; part II, viii on the coins is by J. G. Milne."--Pref.
Descripción Física:XVI, 374 p., [18] h. de lám. ; 27 cm