Sumario: | Foreward / Eckart Klein and David Kretzmer -- Historical roots. On the necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence of the doctrine of the dignity of man and his rights / Yehoshua Arieli -- 'Dignity of man' and 'persona' in Stoic anthropology: some remarks on Cicero, De officiis, I, 105-107 / Hubert Cancik -- Legal roots of human dignity in German law / Joern Eckert -- Human dignity in religious thought. Blood and the image of God: on the sanctity of life in biblical and early Rabbinic law, myth, and ritual / Yair Lorberbaum -- Can ethical maxims be derived from theological concepts of human dignity? / Dietrick Ritschl -- Human dignity in rabbinical perspective / Chana Safrai -- Human dignity in international law. The founding function of human dignity in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights / Klaus Dicke -- Human dignity in international law / Jochen Abr. Frowein -- Comparative constitutional perspectives. Human dignity as a constitutional value / Arthur Chaskalson -- Human dignity in German law / Eckart Klein -- Human dignity in Israeli jurisprudence / David Kretzmer -- The religious and philosophical background of human dignity and its place in modern constitutions / Chrisitan Starck -- Human dignity: philosophical aspects. Dignity as a modern virtue / Michael Meyer -- Humiliation, dignity and self-respect / Daniel Statman -- Concepts of dignity and honor. Honor and dignity cultures: the case of kavod and kvod ha-adam in Israeli society and law / Orit Kamir -- Honor, dignity and the framing of multiculturalist values / David Weisstub.