Tabla de Contenidos:
  • International economic negotiation / Victor Kremenyuk. Negotiation between the french government and the Walt Disney Company regarding creation of Euro Disney / Geoffrey Fink. Negotiation on joint ventures in China / Guy Olivier Faure. Renegotiation of the VALCO agreement in Ghana / Akilagpa Sawyerr. Understanding Nigeria's economic reform experience: an application of negotiation theory / Bright E. Okogu. Reorganization of commercial debt: negotiations between Poland and the London club (1981-1994) / Czeslaw Mesjasz. Snake in the tunnel: monetary negotiations in the European Union / William Zartman. The Uruguay round negotiations on services: economic basis, political outcome / Anders Ahnlid. Negotiations on setting up a common trade regime in the commonwealth of independient states / Maria G. Vlasova. Silicon for the masses: how AT&T licensed its intellectual property in the 1970s to facilitate the development of a worldwide semiconductor industry / Robert E. Kerwin. The NAFTA negotiation: economic and negotiation perspectives / Gilbert R. Winham. Market conditions and international economic negotiation: Japan and the United States in 1971 / John S. Odell. The economic approach to international negotiation / Robert Neugeboren. Negotiation analysis perspective in international economic negotiation / William Zartman. How does economic theory interrelate with negotiation analysis for the understanding of international economic negotiation? / Gunnar Stöstedt.