Sumario: | While there is always an element of the arbitrary concerning when to date the origins of some particular phenomenon - emotional development being a case in point - we would like to suggest the International Summer School of the Affective Sciences 2018 as the event where this writing project began. While Danny and Andrea co-hosted the 8-day event at the magnificent Chateau de Bossey on Lake Geneva, Switzerland, Eric was one of the invited international speakers. This event gave us the opportunity to talk about emotional development with leading experts and motivated students from different disciplines, whether as part of the presentations and workshops, or while enjoying a nice glass of wine with dinner. Indeed, we are delighted to say that many of the speakers at that event accepted invitations to contribute to this volume. We would like to particularly thank not only David Sander and his team at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences who made the summer school possible, but also the chapter authors who were there at the point of origin. Indeed, we would obviously like to thank all the chapter authors for their hard work in providing the main content of this volume, which is, as far as we know, the first multi-disciplinary handbook of emotional development. We have looked on with admiration as colleagues have continued to produce such remarkable work to a strict timeline, when there have been, perhaps, more constraints than usual on people's time. Thanks too to those at Oxford University Press who were able to provide such fantastic guidance and support. In particular, we would like to thank Martin Baum and Charlotte Holloway for their wonderful professionalism and their excellent gin and tonic. We would also like to thank our families for their ongoing love and support, and particularly, this time, our children. As we have all been obliged to work from home during the COVID19 pandemic in an act of social-distancing, we have been fortunate to be able to spend more time than usual with our children in an act of social-cohesion, playing with them, parenting them, watching them grow and (emotionally) develop. This volume is dedicated to them -- Editor