Notas:"Penned weekly under the elusive identity of 'Beatriz Cienfuegos,' the essays of La pensadora gaditana (1763-1764) are a dynamic study of the cultural fabric and popular social debates of late 18th-century Spain. ... The 52 essays of this new edition are a corrrected, modernized and annotated transcription of the complete 4-volume, 1,317-page manuscript ... reprinted in Cádiz in 1786. A 68-page introduction, footnotes, manuscript facsimiles and bibliography complement this first-ever complete critical edition"--Publisher's website.
Atribuido ahora al clérico andaluz del s.XVIII, Don Juan Francisco del Postigo
Descripción Física:LXVI, 389 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Bibliografía:Bibliografía (LXIII-LXVI p.)