Notas: | Incluye índice 1. The drink before -- "Vacillating the semblances" -- "Where there is nothing, read that I love you" -- Fichte's choice -- 2. The think itself: Hegel -- Is it still possible to be a Hegelian today? -- Interlude 1: Marx as a reader of Hegel, Hegel as a reader of Marx -- Parataxis: figures of the dialectical process -- Interlude 2: Cogito in the history of madness -- "Not only as substance, but also as subject" -- Interlude 3: King, rabble, war ... and sex -- The limits of Hegel -- 3. The thing itself: Lacan -- Lacan as a reader of Hegel -- Interlude 4: Borrowing from the future, changing the past -- Suture and pure difference -- Interlude 5: correlationism and its discontents -- Objects, objects everywhere -- Interlude 6: Cognitivism and the loop of self-positing -- The non-all, or, ,the ontology of sexual difference -- 4. The cigarette after -- The foursome of terror, anxiety, courage ... and enthusiasm -- The foursome of struggle, historicity, will ... and Gelassenheit -- The ontology of quantum physics -- Conclusion: the political suspension of the ethical -- Index. |