Une concordance des psaumes en copte sur ostracon réédition de O. Brit. Mus. Copt. I, pl. XVIII, 1 (Inv. 5874) + pl. XXI, 1 (Inv. 5886) + P. Mon. Epiph. 16 (Inv. 14.1.129 A-F)

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Delattre, Alain aut (Autor)
Formato: Artículo
Ver en Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada:https://catalogo.redbagranada.es/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=509541
Notas:Complete reedition of the concordance from the Psalms (hermeneia) O. Brit. Mus. Copt. I, pl. XVIII, 1 (Inv. 5874) + pl. XXI, 1 (Inv. 5886) + P. Mon. Epiph. 16 (Inv. 14.1.129 A-F) (= LDAB 108525), with the addition of a new fragment and new identifications of quotations from the Psalms. All the pieces belong to the same big ostracon (around 50 cm high), coming from the Epiphanius’ topos in the Theban area and dating from the beginning of the seventh century.