Taoismo ed ecologia

Environmental and ecological development in China and other regions has been largely influenced by the teachings of Taoism. The classic book of this religion, the Daodejing, states that individuals are part of the whole and seeks to develop their well-being within this context. Furthermore, it propo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Jiang, You Guo, 1977- aut (Autor)
Formato: Artículo
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Ver en Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada:https://catalogo.redbagranada.es/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=501924
Sumario:Environmental and ecological development in China and other regions has been largely influenced by the teachings of Taoism. The classic book of this religion, the Daodejing, states that individuals are part of the whole and seeks to develop their well-being within this context. Furthermore, it proposes a vision of life based on the spontaneous simplicity which comes from following nature. The encyclical Laudato si’ by Pope Francis also reminds us that we have the duty and responsibility to take care of the earth, our common home. The perspectives of Taoism and those of the papal encyclical will help formulate new ways of thinking about nature, the environment and ecology.