Sumario: | For courses incell biology. Connecting fundamentalconcepts across the world of the cell Known for its strong biochemistry coverage and clear, easy-to-followexplanations and figures, Becker's World of the Cell provides abeautifully illustrated, up-to-date introduction to cell biology concepts,processes, and applications. Informed by years of classroom experience in thecell biology course, the text features accessible and authoritativedescriptions of all major principles, as well as unique scientific insightsinto visualization and applications of cell and molecular biology. With the 10thEdition, the authors guide students to make connections throughout cell biologyand provide questions that encourage students to practice interpreting andanalyzing data. Embedded features in Pearson eText add interactivity, walkingstudents through key figures with narrated explanations. Personalizelearning with Mastering Biology with Pearson eText Mastering® empowers you topersonalize learning and reach every student. This flexible digital platformcombines trusted content with customizable features so you can teach yourcourse your way. And with digital tools and assessments, students become activeparticipants in their learning, leading to better results. Pearson eText is an easy-to-usedigital textbook available within Mastering that lets students read, highlight,take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place. If you're not usingMastering, students can purchase Pearson eText on their own or you can assignit as a course to schedule readings, view student usage analytics, and shareyour own notes with students.