Sumario: | Explore the evolving landscape of AI and the cognitive revolution with industry leaders Tim O’Reilly and Reid Hoffman. In this exclusive event, Tim and Reid discuss a recent groundbreaking experiment in which Reid’s digital twin was brought to life through deepfake technology, which uses artificial intelligence to create realistic-looking and -sounding video and audio recordings by manipulating or synthesizing visual and auditory data. Tim O’Reilly draws out his guest—cofounder of LinkedIn and partner at Greylock—to understand why Reid believes deepfakes will be more than just an instrument for scammers and other criminals. They discuss the potential of deepfakes for good and ill and how such a powerful technology ought to be regulated—assuming that it is regulatable. You get inside the process by which Reid’s digital twin was created and examine the place of deepfakes within the broader context of AI advancements. Watch two tech leaders who’re well situated to anticipate the exciting possibilities and profound implications of AI; the advancements, risks, and possible benefits of deepfake technology; and all the related impacts of AI on the industry and the broader economy.