Table of Contents:
  • 1 Front Matter; 2 1 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations; 3 2 Introduction; 4 3 Who Breastfeeds in the United States?; 5 4 Nutritional Status and Usual Dietary Intake of Lactating Women; 6 5 Milk Volume; 7 6 Milk Composition; 8 7 Infant Outcomes; 9 8 Maternal Health Effects of Breastfeeding; 10 9 Meeting Maternal Nutrient Needs During Lactation; 11 10 Research Recommendations; 12 Appendixes; 13 A Detailed Abstracts of Studies in Industrialized Societies Relating Breastfeeding with Infant and Child Mortality; 14 B Detailed Abstracts of Studies in Developing Societies Relating Breastfeeding with Infant and Child Mortality; 15 C Summary of Composition Data for Macronutrients of Human Milk; 16 D Biographical Sketches of Committee Members; 17 Acronyms; 18 Glossary; 19 Index