Sumario: | NICE selects and evaluates medical technologies to determine whether the case for adoption in the NHS is supported by the evidence. A diagnostic technology is any medical technology with a diagnostic purpose. Diagnostic technologies are a sub-set of medical technologies. Genetic tests are covered by the Programme provided they are used for a medical purpose and fall within the scope of Council Directive 98/79/EC. The Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme identifies medical technologies that have the potential to offer substantial benefit to patients and/or to the NHS and that are likely to be adopted more consistently and more rapidly if NICE develops guidance on them. This methods guide describes how NICE selects medical technologies for national evaluation. It also describes how the Medical Technologies Advisory Committee (MTAC, 'the Committee') develops guidance on selected technologies routed to it for evaluation. The methods are designed to ensure that the most appropriate medical technologies are selected for evaluation, and, when the Committee produces guidance, that it is robust, developed in an open, transparent and timely way, takes into account valid and relevant evidence, and allows appropriate input from consultees and other stakeholders. This methods guide should be read in conjunction with the 'Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme process guide', available on NICE's website (