Sumario: | This title is a PearsonGlobal Edition. The editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educatorsaround the world to include content which is especially relevant to aninternational and diverse audience. For the two-semester A&P laboratory course. Help manage time and improve learning inside and outside ofthe lab The#1 best-selling Human Anatomy & Physiology LaboratoryManual helps students and instructors manage time inside andoutside of the A&P lab classroom and works hand-in-hand with PearsonMastering A&P, the leading online homework and learning program forA&P.nbsp; The 13th Edition features dozens of new,full-color figures and photos in the review sheets, as well as revampedclinical application questions and critical thinking questions that reinforcethe most important concepts from lab. Continuingto set the standard for the 2-semester A&P laboratory course, the labmanual complies with the illustration and presentation style of thebest-selling Marieb/Hoehn Human Anatomy & Physiology textbut can accompany any A&P textbook. Options include three conventionalversions: Main (12th Edition), Cat (13th Edition), and Fetal Pig (13thEdition). Mastering® A&P isnot included. Students, if PearsonMastering A&P is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, pleaseask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Pearson Mastering A&P should onlybe purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearsonrepresentative for more information.