Summary: | Juan is 20 years old and an immigrant from Mexico, admitted to the hospital for sudden paraplegia. He is currently in a wheelchair and appears depressed and somewhat irritable. Juan is upset after receiving the news that the doctors cannot find anything to justify his inability to walk. He was referred for psychiatry to treat some psychological root for his problem. During the interview with Juan, it is discovered that Juan is in the country illegally and, as the oldest of five children, has been working in landscaping to support his family and disabled father, all of whom are back home in Mexico. Approximately two months ago, Juan lost his job and has not been able to find not find another job. Juan ran out of money and became sick with a sore throat, headaches, loss of appetite, and weakness. Last week Juan woke up in the morning and lost the ability to walk. He was able to feel his legs, but not able to stand up.