Sumario: | <em>Prosperity in the Twenty-First Century</em> sets out a newvision for prosperity in the twenty-first century and how it can beachieved for all. The volume challenges orthodox understandings ofeconomic models, but goes beyond contemporary debates to show howsocial innovation drives economic value. Drawing on substantiveresearch in the UK, Lebanon and Kenya, it develops new concepts,frameworks, models and metrics for prosperity across a wide rangeof contexts, emphasising commonalities and differences. Itsdistinctive approach goes beyond defining and measuring prosperity- addressing the debate about the failures of GDP - to formulatingand describing what is needed to make prosperity a realisableproposition for specific people living in specific locales.Departing from general propositions about post-growth to delineatepathways to prosperity, the volume emphasises that visions of thegood life are diverse and require empirical work co-designed withlocal communities and stakeholders to drive change. It is essentialreading for policymakers who are stuck, local government officerswho need new tools, activists who wonder what is next, academics inneed of refreshment, and students and people of all ages who want away forward.