Sumario: | Learn, prepare, and practice for AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) exam success with this Cert Guide from Pearson IT Certification, a leader in IT Certification learning. Explore the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) exam topics as defined in the latest official exam objectives from Amazon Pre-test your knowledge before each chapter with core concept quizzes Assess your knowledge and retention with chapter-ending open-ended questions Review key concepts with exam preparation tasks Practice with realistic exam questions covering the entire body of exam objectives AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) Cert Guide is a best-of-breed exam study guide. Best-selling author and instructor Anthony Sequeira (CCIE No. 156262) shares preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics. The book presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. Exam topic lists make referencing easy. Chapter-ending Exam Preparation Tasks help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly. Review questions help you assess your knowledge, and a final preparation chapter guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your final study plan. The companion website contains the powerful Pearson Test Prep practice test software, complete with hundreds of exam-realistic questions. The assessment engine offers you a wealth of customization options and reporting features, laying out a complete assessment of your knowledge to help you focus your study where it is needed most. Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, this study guide helps you master the concepts and techniques that will allow you to succeed on the exam the first time. The study guide helps you master all the topics on the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam, including: Monitoring and reporting: create and maintain metrics and alarms; recognize, differentiate, and remediate based on metrics High availability: implement scalability and elasticity; recognize and differentiate highly available and resilient AWS environments Deployment and provisioning: provision cloud resources, and identify and remediate ...