Sumario: | It is a pleasure to welcome you to 2005 National Digital Government Research Conference, dg.o2005. dg.o brings together computer and social science researchers, government professionals, representatives of industry, and members of the public to discuss how research in information strategies, policies, and technologies can improve government operations and public services.This year we were very pleased to host two keynote talks and one keynote panel. Our opening keynote speaker on Monday morning is Neil Eisner, the Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and Enforcement at the U.S. Department of Transportation. His talk, entitled "Digital Dreams: The Future of E-Government," focuses on government's use of technology and how future research can contribute to even more effective digital government.Our keynote panel in the opening session on Tuesday morning is entitled "Digital Government Research in the Academy." It discusses issues regarding applied and interdisciplinary research in academia, including how faculty are evaluated in the promotion and tenure processes, the extent to which digital government represents an emerging field of interdisciplinary research, the role of applied research, and the challenges of promoting interdisciplinary research in the academy.This year we continue the NSF Project Highlights track, where NSF-funded digital government research projects are presented. The NSF Project Highlight presentations are interspersed with accepted research papers, grouped by application domain.Monday evening we have our poster and demonstration sessions, continuing our tradition of indepth informal discussion of demos and posters accompanied by informal conversation and good food. This has become a very successful venue to showcase the potential of digital government research in a wide variety of areas and to encourage new research projects and partnerships.The conference continues to grow as evidenced by submissions, which this year include 45 Project Highlights, 10 demonstrations, 11 poster submissions, and 40 research papers, of which 15 regular research papers and 3 student research papers were accepted. The program is complemented by 3 invited demonstrations and talks, 50 posters and demonstrations, and 5 Birds of a Feather Meetings. Conference presentations feature both information technology and social science perspectives, as they contribute to pressing public sector challenges.