Sumario: | The Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-time Support for Scalable Systems (LCR) is a bi-annual gathering of computer scientists who develop enabling software for large scale parallel and distributed applications, held in the off-year for PPoPP. Attendance for this workshop is limited to 75 participants. The LCR community is interested in a broad range of technologies, with a common goal of developing systems that enable real applications.Scalability is important for scientific as well as commercial applications, and has to be addressed across computation models spanning data parallel computing, grid computing, peer-to-peer computing, content distribution networks, and multi-threaded servers. For this seventh meeting, LCR 04, we are especially interested in cross-fertilization of ideas in supporting and enhancing scalability across this spectrum of applications and computation models. Topics of interest to the workshop include the following:â¢Emerging applicationsâ¢Language features and compilationâ¢Communication systems and librariesâ¢Resource managementâ¢Integration of compiler and runtime systemsâ¢Scalable I/Oâ¢Performance evaluationâ¢Debuggersâ¢Fault tolerance and reliabilityâ¢Operating Systems.