Sumario: | It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 14th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security - AISec 2021. AISec, having been annually co-located with CCS for 14 consecutive years, is the premier meeting place for researchers interested in the intersection of security, privacy, AI, and machine learning. Its role as a venue has been to merge practical security problems with advances in AI and machine learning. In doing so, researchers also have been developing theory and analytics unique to this domain and have explored diverse topics such as learning in gametheoretic adversarial environments, privacy-preserving learning, and applications to malware, spam, and intrusion detection. AISec 2021 received 56 submissions, of which 17 (30%) were selected for publication and presentation as full papers. Submissions arrived from researchers in many different countries, from a wide variety of institutions, both academic and corporate.