Sumario: | We are delighted to welcome you to Lisbon, Portugal for ACM Multimedia 2022, the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM Multimedia is the premier international conference series in the area of multimedia within the field of computer science. Since 1993, ACM Multimedia has been bringing together worldwide researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present their innovative research and to discuss recent advancements in multimedia. This year's conference, for the first time since the start of COVID 19 pandemic, will return to the usual format in a time when travel restrictions no longer prevent researchers from attending the conference. We are excited to return to the warm face-to-face gatherings where we will all have the opportunity to meet our colleagues and friends. While priority will be given to physical attendees, remote attendees will also have the opportunity to enjoy live question-answering sessions, and presentations from the authors via pre-recorded videos. Videos of all papers can be accessed online before the start of main conference events, and will be later available through ACM Digital Library. This year we are honored to welcome three distinguished keynote speakers, one per each day of the main conference. The opening keynote will be delivered by Dr. Yoelle Maarek, who is currently a VP at Amazon, heading research for Alexa Shopping and was previously at Yahoo, Google and IBM. She has been deeply involved in search and data mining advances. She is a member of the Technion Board of Governors and was inducted as an ACM Fellow in 2013 and elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2021. In this talk, Yoelle will talk about Task Assistants that interact with users in a multi-modal domain to complete everyday tasks requiring multiple steps and decisions. The talk will cover the advances made by the teams that participated in the first year of the AlexaPrize Taskbot. The second keynote is scheduled on the second main conference day and will be delivered by Dr. Douwe Kiela, the Head of Research at HuggingFace and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University. His research has made significant advances to the Vision and Language field. Grounding and meaning play a central role in his research and in this talk. In this keynote, Douwe will talk about FLAVA, a single holistic universal transformer that targets all modalities at once and that shows impressive performance on a wide range of tasks. The third and closing keynote will be delivered by Prof Nuria Oliver, Scientific Director and Co-Founder ELLIS Alicante Foundation. Nuria is well known for her work in computational models of human behavior, human computer-interaction, intelligent user interfaces, mobile computing and big data for social good. Among the many distinguished titles, Nuria is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, an ACM Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, a Fellow of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence, just to name a few. In this keynote, she will describe her multi-disciplinary research in shedding light on the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on people's lives. This year we took the bold step of making ACM Multimedia more open and offered the community the possibility to make the reviewing process of each paper open and transparent. OpenReview was used to implement this vision and we observed a strong improvement in the overall scientific quality of the conference program. We believe that using OpenReview together with Microsoft CMT (or a similar tool) will raise the scientific standards and extend the scientific impact of future ACM Multimedia editions.