Sumario: | Welcome to the 2021 edition of the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2021). Last year, I wrote to you about the very first virtual SPLASH conference. 2021 edition is also another first! This is the first time that the SPLASH conference has been organized as a hybrid conference and we are excited to welcome some of you in person in Chicago and others virtually. In fact, SPLASH will be the first major hybrid conference in programming languages. As of this writing, over 200 of attendees are registered to be in Chicago and over 400 are signed up to attend virtually. This 2021 edition will begin at 7:40am Central Standard Time on Sunday, October 17 and will finish at 23:30 CST on October 22, 2021. SPLASH is a premier conference on the applications of programming language. SPLASH uniquely sits at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering research. SPLASH and its predecessor conference OOPSLA have served as an effective bridge between these two intellectually rich communities since 1986.