Sumario: | Building on a key goal of the Multi-conference -to bring Modeling and Simulation practitioners and researchers coming from various domains together- the Poster Session offers a single point of encounter and discussion for scientific ideas in embryonic state and with high potential. Interesting novel results, original ideas or works-in-progress that are not quite ready for a regular full-length paper find their place in the Poster Session. Presenters and attendees have the opportunity to engage in enriching discussions about their work in a cross-domain environment. This year we are very excited to introduce also a Student Colloquium. The objective of the Colloquium is to give an opportunity for students (in particular Ph.D. students) to showcase and discuss their work in progress during a session of short oral presentations. Any student attending the conference can participate, including students with accepted papers at the Multi-Conference. For those students with an accepted paper, they can choose to give a short version of such paper during the Colloquium, including new results or research advances since the original submission. Also, all Colloquium students will participate in the Poster Session. This way, students at both early and advanced stages of their careers will find the occasion to network with colleagues, give their work a wider visibility, and brainstorm ideas strengthening their fitness in scientific discussion.