Sumario: | Welcome to the 21st ACM International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), held this year in multicultural Montreal, Canada. Referred as Canada's Cultural Capital, Montreal contains a distinct local culture, being the centre in the nation on the French-language media production. This inspiring city is known for being the source of many talents in fields of visual arts, theatre, music, and dance, hosting several festivals along the year. Being named as a UNESCO City of Design, Montreal's distinguished architecture provides invaluable insight on many aspects, including its history mainly with the Old Port area, Habitat 67, Montreal Biosphere, and the Underground City. Montreal is also a national reference of scientific production and vivid academic life with over five internationally recognized universities. MSWiM has stood out over the years, establishing itself as a leading venue where some of the best research works in the area of performance evaluation of wireless and mobile systems are presented, and this year is no exception. Putting together a high-quality conference like MSWiM is an enormous undertaking that requires a great team effort. We thank Paolo Bellavista and Salil Kanhere for putting together the technical program, from the Call for Papers to the final program selection and its schedule. We also acknowledge the volunteer efforts of TPC members and external reviewers whose expertise and hard work culminated in selecting excellent papers. This year, MSWiM presents strong poster and demonstration sessions, managed by Robson E. De Grande and Rodolfo W. L. Coutinho, the Poster Sessions Co-Chairs, and Raquel Mini, the Demo Session Chair. Finally, the technical program includes two distinguished keynotes addresses by the following outstanding experts, Prof. Victor C. M. Leung from University of British Columbia, Canada, and Prof. Halim Yanikomeroglu from Carleton University, Canada. To recognize excellence in research work in the field of Wireless Communications and Mobile Networking from academia and industry, the Reginald G. Fessenden Award has been established four years ago, and it is granted to a distinguished researcher for the remarkable contributions that he/she has achieved in the area. In 2017, the award was presented to Professor Albert Y. Zomaya from University of Sydney, Australia, in recognition of "exceptional contributions to resource management and optimization in mobile cloud computing and wireless networking". The winner for this year will be announced at the ACM MSWiM 2018 banquet dinner. Four symposia will be held this year along with the main conference program, covering several specializations within mobile and wireless systems. The four symposia are: MobiWAC, PEWASUN, DIVANET and Q2SWinet. Over the years, these symposia have become successful and quite competitive in their own right.