Sumario: | Government policies and actions matter. The current global financial, social and environmental challenges highlight the unique role of government in serving the public interest. The actions and policies of government touch our daily lives in countless ways, from obtaining drivers' licenses to the taxes we pay on our incomes to maintaining public order and safety. The quality, flexibility and effectiveness of public governance systems are central to countries' capabilities to provide these services effectively and efficiently, and to address future challenges. Government at a Glance is a new, biennial publication of the OECD. It provides over 30 indicators describing key elements underlying government performance. With a focus on public administration, the publication compares the size and reach of government across OECD countries from the perspective of revenues, expenditures and employment. It also includes indicators describing government policies and practices in integrity, e-government and open government, and introduces several composite indexes summarising key aspects of public management practices in human resource management, budgeting and regulatory management.