Publicado:Print began with Mar. 1949; ceased in 2013.
Notas:Imprint varies: Washington, D.C. : American Geophysical Union, 1959-
Each pt. is also available separately from publisher.
Journal of geophysical research v.54-78; 1949-73 has print ISSN: 0022-1406
Frecuencia de Publicación:Weekly, <July 20, 1986->
Publicación relacionada:Beginning in 2013, publication split into thematic sections: Space Physics, Planets, Oceans, Solid Earth, Biogeosciences, Atmospheres, and Earth Surface. Prior to 2013, these sections were considered part of the Journal of Geophysical Research.
Encontrar Ayuda:Annual index to all parts issued as a JGR supplement beginning with v. 99 for 1994.