Sumario: | El Santiagueñazo, written by Raúl Dargoltz, is a detailed chronicle of the socio-political unrest in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, during December 1993. The book highlights the events leading to the uprising, driven by economic hardships, unpaid salaries, and widespread dissatisfaction with corrupt local politicians. Utilizing interviews with political activists, union members, and local citizens, Dargoltz provides an in-depth analysis of the factors contributing to the unrest, drawing parallels to broader national issues. The author, a renowned journalist and social scientist, blends historical facts with personal testimonies, shedding light on the complex interplay between art and science as a means of social commentary. The book's publication led to legal challenges for Dargoltz, accused of defamation by a political figure, highlighting the contentious nature of the narrative and its impact on Argentine political discourse.