Sumario: | This book began life with the inaugural conference of the international
research project ‘The healthy self as body capital: Individuals, market-based
societies, body politics and visual media in the twentieth century Europe’,
held in Strasbourg from 23 to 25 February 2017. The editors would like to
thank all participants for their stimulating input during this outstanding
event. The presentations and discussions influenced this book in many ways.
The research project and the book are funded by the European Research
Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme (grant agreement No. 694817) and receive significant
support from the University of Strasbourg, the Research Unit SAGE (UMR
7363), and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin (Center
for the History of Emotions). We owe gratitude to Tricia Close Koenig, Thérèse
Vicente, Lionel Boutton, Fatima Gomis, and Assia Hammali for material
support with our research and Elisabeth Fuchs for translation work and
subtitling (all University of Strasbourg). We would also like to thank our
editor at Amsterdam University Press, Maryse Elliott, for her support in
the production of the book.
Moreover, we thank our contributors for their inspiring ideas and indepth
research. We would like to thank the artists VALIE EXPORT for her
collaboration with one of the chapters and Sascha Kürschner for working
with us on the book cover. We hope that his drawing ‘FEELING REAL’ from
his series ‘PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS’ provides a fitting visual prelude to an
interesting read.