Sumario: | As remarkable as Docker containers are, they still need to be heavily scheduled and orchestrated to run efficiently, and seamlessly replaced and re-balanced when they fail. It’s a big job, well beyond the abilities of Chef, Puppet, and similar tools. This O'Reilly report introduces you to Kubernetes, a cluster management system from Google that’s capable of scheduling and launching roughly 7,000 containers a second . Dave Rensin, who directs Global Cloud Support and Services at Google, explains piece-by-piece how this system works. If you’ve created at least one simple container with Docker, you’ll understand how to get started with Kubernetes by using one of several options. Examine pods, a collection of containers bundled and scheduled together Run through volumes, the filesystems your container can see and use Create and organize pods with labels and annotations Use replication controllers to manage replicas: multiple copies of a pod Set up services, long-lived endpoints that identify a set of pods in your cluster Get started using your own servers, VMs from the public cloud, or a managed offering from a major cloud provider Find examples on GitHub of Kubernetes in use, including WordPress and Guestbook