Summary: | A comprehensive introduction to Docker with a heavy focus on labs About This Video Images: Templates to define your container Containers: What they are and how Docker helps you create them Storage: Volumes, Bind Mounts and tmpfs to manage data in containers Networks: Regulate connectivity to your containers whether on individual hosts or in a cluster Docker Swarm: The built-in container orchestration tool Docker EE, UCP and DTR: The enterprise offerings of Docker In Detail Docker is a tool which has greatly simplified the task of packaging your application, along with all its dependencies into lightweight, portable units called containers. These containers are platform independent and can be executed on any host which runs a Linux kernel. Docker is one of the hottest tools in the market right now as a lot of teams have learned how to use it to break up their large, monolithic applications into smaller and more manageable units - often called microservices. This has allowed development teams to work on microservices independently and package it into a container once it is ready. Docker has also eased the pain of DevOps teams who often need to manage the deployment processes and environments - since containers can run independently of each other, they can simply focus on deploying containers rather than worrying about dependencies for each application. Container orchestration tools such as Docker Swarm and Kubernetes have made it very easy to deploy microservices to a cluster and scale them according to demand. For these reasons, Docker is a technology which you need to know if you're an app developer or DevOps engineer. Downloading the example code for this course: You can download the example code files for this course on GitHub at the following link: . If you require support please email: