Sumario: | Learn RabbitMQ: Asynchronous Messaging with Java and Spring About This Video Learn to develop Queues, Exchanges, Routings, and Listeners with Rabbit MQ using Java and Spring Learn and understand the architecture of RabbitMQ In Detail This course will walk you through the beginning from scratch - messaging itself! We'll discover what messaging means and how it affects our architectural decisions and design considerations. Next, we will study about Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP). We'll discover the benefits and reasons behind the popularity of AMQP and how it has shaped the architecture of RabbitMQ from messaging concepts to client platforms making use of it. We'll learn Queues, Exchanges, Bindings, Routings, Publishers, Subscribers, and more about RabbitMQ!. We'll install all the necessary software for RabbitMQ and have it up and running on our machines - both on Windows and MacOS. We'll see and learn how RabbitMQ Dashboard helps us easily monitor and manage our RabbitMQ server and send our first ever message to RabbitMQ! We'll learn how to construct Queues, Exchanges, and Bindings with Spring AMQP using both Annotations Builder methods and also develop a message listener for specific queue that we also created programmatically. We'll both publish and listen to messages and develop a complete application from scratch similar to other professional applications! RabbitMQ is the most widely-deployed open-source message broker or messaging middleware in other terms. RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols. RabbitMQ can be deployed in distributed and federated configurations to meet high-scale, high-availability requirements. RabbitMQ runs on many operating systems and cloud environments. It also provides a wide range of developer tools for most popular languages. All the codes and supporting files for this course are available at: Downloading the example code for this course: You can download the example code files for all Packt video courses you have purchased from your account at . If you purchased this course elsewhere, you can visit and register to have the files e-mailed directly to you.