Sumario: | Today’s global knowledge economy requires individuals and companies alike to quickly adapt to new tools and strategies. To remain competitive, both must continually upgrade their skills. In the United States, however, support for ongoing education lags far behind other developed nations, creating a crippling skills gap. How did we get to this point, and why are other countries faring markedly better? What keeps our nation’s vast network of corporate training, workforce development, and K-12 and college education so fragmented and inefficient? Gathering insights from key thought leaders and exemplary programs, Learning for Life examines: Why America’s existing educational models are failing employees and employers The shift from content knowledge toward new ways of thinking and working, grounded in creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration Policies and programs that are working in the U.S. and abroad Recommendations for overhauling our education and training infrastructure and building partnerships between providers and employers In a constantly changing world, the stakes are high to ensure our workforce performs. Learning for Life points to the most promising pathways for getting there.