Summary: | IBM WebSphere® Application Server V8.5 includes a Liberty profile, which is a highly composable, dynamic application server profile. It is designed for two specific use cases: Developer with a smaller production run time, and production environments. For a developer, it focuses on the tasks a developer does most frequently and makes it possible for the developer to complete those tasks as quickly and as simply as possible. For production environments, it provides a dynamic, small footprint run time to be able to maximize system resources. This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides you with information to effectively use the WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty profile along with the WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse, for development and testing of web applications that do not require a full Java Platform. It provides a quick guide on getting started, providing a scenario-based approach to demonstrate the capabilities of the Liberty profile along with the developer tools, providing a simplified, but comprehensive, application development and testing environment. The intended audience for this book is developers of web and OSGi applications who are familiar with web and OSGi application concepts. This book has been updated to reflect the new features in WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.