Sumario: | Organizations face case management challenges that require insight, responsiveness, and collaboration. IBM® Case Manager, Version 5.1.1, is an advanced case management product that unites information, process, and people to provide the 360-degree view of case information and achieve optimized outcomes. With IBM Case Manager, knowledge workers can extract critical case information through integrated business rules, collaboration, and analytics. This easy access to information enhances decision making ability and leads to more successful case outcomes. IBM Case Manager also helps capture industry best practices in frameworks and templates to empower business users and accelerate return on investment. This IBM Redbooks® publication introduces the case management concept. It includes the reason for and benefits of case management, and why it is different from the traditional business process management or content management. In addition, this book addresses how you can design and build a case management solution with IBM Case Manager, and integrate that solution with external products and components. This book is intended to provide IT architects and IT specialists with the high-level concepts of case management and the capabilities of IBM Case Manager. In addition, it serves as a practical guide for IT professionals who are responsible for designing, building, and deploying IBM Case Manager solutions.