Sumario: | This thorough, self-paced guide to Adobe InDesign CS3 is ideal for beginning users who want to master the key features of this program, while readers who already have some experience with InDesign can use this book to familiarize themselves with InDesign CS3's newest features. Using step-by-step, project-based lessons, each chapter contains a project that builds upon the reader's growing knowledge of the program, while review questions at the end of each chapter reinforce the most important skills learned in each lesson. The companion CD contains all the assets readers will need to work through each project in the book. Adobe InDesign CS3, Adobe's page layout and design software, has been updated to accelerate user productivity with loads of new features: new Photoshop effects--including gradient feathering, inner shadows, and glows--that you can apply to objects on a page; finer transparency controls, which let you apply transparency settings independently to an object's fill, stroke, and content for more complex visual looks; numerous productivity enhancements; advanced find/change features; new table and cell styles; export to XHTML, and more. Educational instructor notes—created to help teachers plan, organize, and time their lessons—are available for this book (and for other Classroom in a Book titles) at SPECIAL NOTE: Before starting the lessons in the book, visit for important lesson and project file updates.