Sumario: | This IBM Redbooks publication (along with its companion volume On demand Operating Environment: Managing the Infrastructure, SG24-6634), provides an insight into the kind of Operating Environment required to support an on demand business. It provides an overview of the architecture of an on demand Operating Environment and describes in detail the components that are required to create business flexibility through integration. To meet the business needs of being responsive, variable, focused, and resilient, an on demand Operating Environment must be integrated, autonomic, virtualized, and open. Though these attributes are all interrelated, this book focuses on the integration component as the key enabler of business flexibility. A complete on demand Operating Environment is a vision and a goal that many enterprises aspire to reach. However, it is not something that will be attained overnight or by installing a specific set of products. It is something that will be reached through a step-wise progression. This book provides descriptions of several approaches that one can choose to start implementing pieces of an on demand Operating Environment today. Which approach is right for the reader will depend on their specific business environment and their immediate needs. Our objective is to help the reader better understand what an on demand Operating Environment is and how they can take steps today to start putting one in place. This book does not go into detailed implementation plans for each technology or product it references, but rather provides a level of information sufficient for the reader to start building a strategy and architecture best suited for their needs. Product-specific details can be obtained from product documentation and product-related redbooks.