Summary: | This stage was added to Erik Erikson's stages by Barbara Newman and Phillip Newman. This Training Title demonstrates Human Growth and Development Stage 6: Alienation. Occurring in ages 13 and 14, adolescents spend more time away from home and experience pressure from peers to participate in groups. It is at a time when adolescent experience more mobility and time to be away from their parents. If the groups' values match with parents' values, there is less conflict than if the groups deviate from parents' values. There are pressures both from within groups and pressures from expectations of those outside the groups to how adolescents in the specific groups behave. When adolescents successfully participate in groups and feel accepted by peers or other age members of groups, the adolescents form comfortable feelings of group identity. Belonging to healthy groups help adolescents to master skills necessary in later stages of life in dealing with societies and cultures. When adolescents are rejected by groups or do not match well with expectations of groups there is a feeling of alienation from peers or other age members of the groups.