Sumario: | Erário Mineral, by Luís Gomes Ferreira, was first published in Lisbon, in 1735, being one of the first treatises on Brazilian medicine written in Portuguese. The book brings together the experiences of medical practices carried out by the barber-surgeon Luís Gomes Ferreira in the captaincy of Minas Gerais. In addition to a detailed description of the main ailments there, the author also describes the most effective means of healing he experienced and makes an important inventory of the medicines used at the time with their respective functions. In this reading, we found that among the remedies used were several used by the Indians and incorporated by the Paulistas into colonial medicine. A precious part of the report is the detailed information about the harsh living and working conditions to which the slaves were subjected, which facilitated the spread of diseases. Two glossaries complete and enrich this edition even further, surveying the doctors and surgeons cited by the author.