Sumario: | Greg is reluctant to give up using cannabis. Years ago, after his second child was born, Greg attempted to stop smoking marijuana but abruptly quitting led to an unmanageable level of stress and anxiety. Greg views his marijuana as medicinal in order to treat anxiety and pain from an old motorcycle accident. Greg is afraid that without marijuana he won’t be able to function in his job and support his family. Greg recounts another instance of experiencing withdrawal symptoms when he went on a family vacation and ran out of his cannabis supply. Subsequently, Greg experienced bad headaches, irritability, sweats and nausea. Over time, Greg has found that he smokes more cannabis to reach the same desired effect, but does not believe it has been a large increase. Greg rarely has issues with his memory but does find he has problems with his concentration. Once, Greg started hallucinating after he ate a pot brownie and therefore insists he is now more careful with edible marijuana.