Sumario: | A woman describes worrying, always been a worrier about numerous concerns with her husband and children and how she is dressed. She reports in the past worries now often and endure much longer than in the past, worrying every day. She worries about the health of everyone in her family, severe worrying that makes her shake. She feels like crying from so much worrying. The worries feel intense, although the true events are not severe. She collapses on the couch from worrying, staying there for hours, or she will pace, which does not help the worrying but lets out energy. She has not gone to the office for nine months, after worrying about the computers, the phone, the papers, becoming “paralyzed.” She worries now she will lose her job. This is the first time her worrying has been this severe. The worries are unfounded since everyone is in good health and finances are good. She reports her anxiety frustrates her husband. Her medical doctor did not find any health problems and she is not on medications and does not use drugs. Her friends no longer ask her out due to her anxiety. She denies panic attacks. She reports she is exhausted and has poor concentration.