Sumario: | Augustine and the Bible is the first English-language edition of the second volume of the highly regarded "Bible de Tous les Temps" series, published by Beauchesne Editeur in Paris. It presents the findings of eminent scholars on the Bible in Augustine's letters, in his preaching, in polemics, in the City of God, and as a source for Christian ethics. It follows the chronological order of Augustine's works from the mid-eighties of the fourth century to just before his death in 430. Part I examines what can be known of the stages of Augustine's encounter with the biblical texts and which texts were formative for him before he assumed his ministry of the Word. Part II is devoted to a very different kind of encounter -- Augustine's grappling with the hermeneutical method originating in the province of Africa. Part III describes Augustine's first foray into the field of biblical polemics when he opposes the Manichees, the very group who first introduced him to a study of the "obscurities" of the biblical text. And in Part IV, the reader encounters the most familiar voice of Augustine -- that of the tireless preacher of the Word.