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  1. 86561
    Publicado 2021
    “…Undoubtedly, it is desirable to collaborate, make efforts, and negotiate with approaches in goodwill, respecting international law and agreements aiming at establishing peace as well as the rights, and laws of nations and states. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 86562
    “…Si bé, un major percentatge de pacients va presentar alteració cognitiva (8/ 53 [15%]) comparat amb els controls (2/ 24 [8,3%]), aquesta diferència no va estar significativa. El CALCAP, el Trail Making Test (TMT) i el Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) es van presentar com les proves diagnòstiques amb més probabilitat de classificar correctament als nostres subjectes. …”
    Accés lliure
  3. 86563
    Publicado 2011
    “…It is this interaction between public interest and private experience that make the Andrian diaries one of the most impressive private sources on Austrian history from the Vormärz through the revolutionary years of 1848/49 well into the last years of the Neoabsolutism. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 86564
    Publicado 2020
    “…And another special thanks goes to the virtual conference "online chairs" (originally the local chairs team), and the finance chair, who have resolved numerous unexpected difficulties in making our conference program available online to all attendees. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 86565
    Publicado 2012
    “…Todos ellos, además, excepto Zacuto —que nunca fue profesor en el Estudio, aunque a él se debe la creación de la cátedra de Astronomía en el siglo XV—, apadrinan aulas de las Escuelas Mayores, el edificio más emblemático de la Universidad de Salamanca Hasta hace bien poco solo un medallón en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de Filología recordaba a este culto humanista de marcada personalidad que, en palabras de Luciano Pereña, «ejerció un verdadero imperio científico en la configuración de la Monarquía hispana durante el reinado de Felipe II». …”
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  6. 86566
    Publicado 2023
    “…Lessons Covered Include: Section 1: Rust Data Structures: Collections Lesson 1: Getting Started With The Modern Rust Development Ecosystem Meet the instructor & Course Overview: 1.0-meet-instructor-course-overview.mp4 Introduction to the AI Coding Paradigm Shift: 1.1-ai-pair-programming-paradigm-shift.mp4 Introduction to cloud-based development environments: 1.2-GitHub-Codespaces-Ecosystem-with-copilot-chat.mp4 Introduction to GitHub Copilot Ecosystem for Rust: 1.3-copilot-enabled-rust.mp4 Prompt Engineering with GCP BigQuery SQL: 1.4-big-query-prompt-engineering.mp4 Introduction to AWS CodeWhisperer for Rust: 1.5-aws-codewhisperer-for-rust.mp4 Using Google Bard to Enhance Productivity: 1.6-using-bard-to-enhance-productivity.mp4 Continuous Integration with Rust and GitHub Actions: 1.7-continuous-integration-rust-github-actions.mp4 Lesson 2: Rust Sequences and Maps Introducing Rust Sequences and Maps: 1.8-rust-sequences-maps.mp4 Print Rust data structures demo: 1.9-Print-Rust-data-structures-demo.mp4 Vector Fruit Salad demo: 1.10-Vector-Fruit-Salad-demo.mp4 VecDeque Fruit Salad demo: 1.11-VecDeque-Fruit-Salad-demo.mp4 Linkedin List Fruit Salad demo: 1.12-Linkedin-List-Fruit-Salad-demo.mp4 Fruit Salad CLI demo: 1.13-Fruit-Salad-CLI-demo.mp4 HashMap frequency counter demo: 1.14-HashMap-frequency-counter-demo.mp4 HashMap language comparison: 1.15-HashMap-language-comparison.mp4 Lesson 3: Rust Sets, Graphs and Miscellaneous Data Structures Analyzing UFC Fighter Network Using Graph Centrality in Rust: 1.16-ufc-graph-centrality.mp4 Storing Unique Fruits Using HashSet in Rust: 1.17-unique-fruits-with-hashset.mp4 Maintaining Sorted and Unique Fruits Using BTreeSet in Rust: 1.18-sorted-unique-fruits-with-btreeset.mp4 Creating a Fig Priority Fruit Salad Using Binary Heap in Rust: 1.19-fig-priority-fruit-salad-with-binary-heap.mp4 PageRank algorithm for sports data: 1.20-pagerank-sports.mp4 Showing shortest path with dijkstra: 1.21-shortest-path.mp4 Detecting Strongly Connected Components: A Deep Dive into Kosaraju's Algorithm: 1.22-strongly_connected_components_with_kosaraju.mp4 Simple Charting of Data Structures in Rust: 1.23-ascii-graphing.mp4 Section 2: Safety, Security and Concurrency with Rust Lesson 1: Rust Safety and Security Features Multi-Factor Authentication: 2.1_Multi-Factor_Authentication.mp4 Network Segmentation: 2.2_Network_Segmentation.mp4 Least Privilege Access: 2.3_Least_Privilege_Access.mp4 Encryption: 2.4_Encryption.mp4 Mutable fruit salad: 2.5-mutable-fruit-salad.mp4 Customize fruit salad with a CLI: 2.6-customize-csv-fruit-salad.mp4 Data Race example: 2.7-data-race.mp4 Lesson 2: Security Programming with Rust High Availability: 2.10-high-availability.mp4 Understanding the Homophonic Cipher: A Cryptographic Technique: 2.11-homphonic-cipher.mp4 Decoding the Secrets of the Caesar Cipher: 2.12-caesar-cipher.mp4 Building a Caesar Cipher Command Line Interface: 2.13-caesar-cipher-cli.mp4 Creating a Decoder Ring: A Practical Guide: 2.14-decoder-ring.mp4 Detecting Duplicates with SHA-3: A Data Integrity Tool: 2.15-sha3-dupe-detector.mp4 Incident Response: 2.16-incident-response.mp4 Compliance: 2.17-compliance.mp4 Lesson 3: Concurrency with Rust Core Concepts in Concurrency: 2.20-core-concepts-concurrency.mp4 Dining Philosophers: 2.21-dining-philosopher.mp4 Web Crawl Wikipedia with Rayon: 2.22-web-crawl-wikipedia-rayon.mp4 Intelligent Chatbot with Tokio: 2.23-tokio-chatbot.mp4 Multi-threaded deduplication with Rust: 2.24-data-eng-with-rust-dedupe.mp4 Energy Efficiency Python vs Rust: 2.25-energy-efficiency-python-rust.mp4 Concurrency Stress test with a GPU: 2.26-building-cuda-enabled-stress-test-with-rust-pytorch.mp4 Host Efficiency Serverless Optimization problem: 2.27-host-efficiency-optimization-problem.mp4 Section 3: Rust Data Engineering Libraries and Tools Lesson 1: Using Rust to Manage Data, Files and Network Storage Process CSV files in Rust: 2.31-process-csv-rust.mp4 Using Cargo Lambda with Rust: 2.33-cargo-lambda-rust.mp4 List files on AWS EFS with Rust: 2.34-rust-efs-lister.mp4 Use AWS S3 Storage: 2.35-use-s3-storage.mp4 Use AWS S3 Storage from Rust: 2.36-use-rust-for-s3-storage.mp4 Write encrypted data to tables or Parquet files: 2.37-Write-encrypted-data-to-tables-or-Parquet-files.mp4 Lesson 2: DataFrames with Rust, Python and Notebooks What is Colab?…”
  7. 86567
    Publicado 2012
    “…This isn’t the case with the design of shapes and drawings, which have been passing on in a quite pure formal state, despite the modifications of the individual making or the adaptation according to the moment and its circumstances. …”
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