Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 1,634
- Unión Europea 1,477
- Europa 1,295
- History 972
- Derechos humanos 950
- Unidad europea 881
- Derecho comunitario 830
- Comunidad Económica Europea 780
- Derecho 544
- Integración económica 542
- Congressos 514
- Política económica 461
- Política y gobierno 459
- Política 447
- Relaciones exteriores 439
- Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos 431
- Literatura europea 346
- Economía 345
- Emigración e inmigración 328
- Política social 320
- Història 312
- Política monetaria 301
- Unió Europea 299
- Politics and government 295
- Educación 294
- Formación profesional 293
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 269
- Historia y crítica 260
- Derecho Comunitario 259
- Economics 257
56721por Anguita Villanueva, Luis AntonioTabla de Contenidos: “…El Consejo de Europa106; La Unión Europea108; Unidroit112; 2.3.2. El marco interno; …”
Publicado 2001
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Publicado 2012
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56723por Robina Blanco-Morales, ÁngelTabla de Contenidos: “…Consejo de Europa; I.A.2. La Unión Europea; I.A.3. La UNESCO; I.A.4. Derecho Estatal Comparado; I.B. …”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
56724por Sacristan Romero, FranciscoTabla de Contenidos: “…Cobertura Iberia; Cobertura Europea; Cobertura América Global ; Capitulo 4: Servicios y aplicaciones; 4.1.- Servicio fijo de HISPASAT ; 4.1.1. …”
Publicado 2005
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56725Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Il Concilio dopo il Concilio: dall'evento alla posterità: Il Vaticano I e il XX Settembre 1870 nel dibattito dell'opinione pubblica europea / Rocco Pezzimenti -- Il Concilio Vaticano I: il dibattito pubblico nello spazio linguistico tedesco dopo il 1870 / Klaus Unterburger -- Lendemains de Concile de France / Christian Sorrel -- Il cattolicesimo spagnolo al tempo del Concilio Vaticano I / Vicente Cárcel Ortí -- La recezione del dogma dell'infallibilità nei concili provinciali (1870-1914) / Carlo Pioppi -- Verso la codificazione del diritto della Chiesa / Giorgio Feliciani -- L'impatto del Concilio Vaticano I sul modernismo / Giovanni Vian -- Dalle stanze di Pio XI: la conclusione mancata del Concilio Vaticano I. …”
991005687739706719 -
56726Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…La justicia restaurativa en Europa / Tim Chapman -- Breve reflexión sobre los avances de la Unión Europea en materia de mediación penal / Ma. Isabel González Cano -- Mirada restaurativa de la justicia penal en España, una bocanada de aire en la sociedad global líquida del miedo y de la securitización / Silvia Barona Vilar -- Sobre la mediación, justicia restaurativa y otras justicias / Mar Jimeno Bulnes -- La realidad de la mediación penal en España. …”
Libro electrónico -
56727Publicado 1991Tabla de Contenidos: “…El surgimiento de las disidencias --Reforma desde el sistema y protagonismo estudiantil: la Universidad de Madrid en los años cincuenta / Elena Hernández Sandoica ;La crisis universitaria del 56 en la prensa europea / Gema Martínez de Espronceda Sazatornil --De la Universidad tecnocrática al radicalismo estudiantil. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
56728Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Juan Antonio Pavón Pérez -- El arbitraje de inversión: los casos en materia de telecomunicaciones en Colombia / Sandra Mile a Ortiz Laverde -- Unión Europea y arbitraje de inversión / Álvaro Soriano Hinojosa -- El arbitraje en los conflictos con la Administración Pública en Italia, especialmente en el ámbito de los contratos públicos / Vera Fanti -- El arbitraje en derecho administrativo en Colombia / Mónica Liliana Ibagón-Ibagón -- La necesidad de implementar los medios adecuados para la solución de conflictos en la administración pública en Brasil / Mariza Rios -- Arbitraje y Mediación en la Administración Pública paraguaya / Marta Gisela Martínez Martínez -- Mediación en la Administración Pública chilena. …”
Libro -
56729Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- AURKIBIDEA / ÍNDICE / SOMMAIRE / INDEX -- Aurkezpena -- Presentación / Présentation / Presentation -- Argitarazleari buruz / Sobre el editor / À propos de l’éditeur / About the editor -- I EUSKARA BATUA ETA EUSKALTZAINDIA EUSKERA UNIFICADO Y LA REAL ACADEMIA DE LA LENGUA VASCA EUSKARA UNIFIÉE ET L’ACADÉMIE ROYALE DE LA LANGUE BASQUE UNIFIED EUSKARA AND THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF THE BASQUE LANGUAGE -- Euskara batua eta Euskaltzaindia: oraina eta geroa -- II BESTE HIZKUNTZA GUTXIAGOTU BATZUEN ESTANDARIZAZIO PROZESUETATIK IKASTEN APRENDIENDO DE LOS PROCESOS DE ESTANDARIZACIÓN DE OTRAS LENGUAS MINORIZADAS APPRENDRE DES PROCESSUS DE NORMALISATION D’AUTRES LANGUES MINORISÉES LEARNING FROM THE STANDARDIZATION PROCESSES OF OTHER MINORIZED LANGUAGES -- The history and standardization of frisian -- Languaje standardization. In european autochthonous minority language communities: looking back to the future -- Vigencia de los criterios de Pompeu Fabra para la codificación de la lengua catalana -- El complejo camino hacia la codificación de la lengua gallega -- III EUSKARA BATUAREN GEOGRAFIAK GEOGRAFÍAS DEL EUSKERA UNIFICADO GÉOGRAPHIES DE LA LANGUE BASQUE UNIFIÉ GEOGRAPHIES OF THE UNIFIED BASQUE LANGUAGE -- Euskara batua, ahozko transmisioko hizkeraren mesedegarritasuna -- Euskara batua Nafarroan -- Euskara batua Ipar Euskal Herrian: lehen eta orain -- Euskara batu ahozkoaren eta sartaldeko euskara estandar ahozkoaren arteko hizkuntza-harremana 50 urte geroago: bertsolaritza eta hezkuntza -- Euskaldun bat, bi euskara. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
56730Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Colombia sobre supuestas violaciones a derechos soberanos y espacios marítimos en el mar Caribe(pp. 135-154) -- Política migratória brasileira e covid-19(pp. 157-184) -- Falsas noticias y covid-19: el acceso a la información y la salud como pilares de los derechos humanos en Brasil y Colombia(pp. 185-206) -- Alcance y aplicabilidad del principio de las responsabilidades comunes pero diferenciadas en el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica(pp. 207-224) -- Análisis del contexto de la minería ancestral y tradicional en los municipios de Segovia y Remedios en el departamento de Antioquia: violación sistemática de los derechos humanos(pp. 225-252) -- Facial Recognition and Human Rights in the European Union and Latin America(pp. 253-278) -- Panorámica de la protección internacional de la identidad cultural de los pueblos indígenas desde el derecho ambiental(pp. 279-306) -- Contribuições da "Cidade Inteligente" no Direito Ambiental e Internacional: em busca de soluções(pp. 307-322) -- El pluralismo cosmopolita reforzado como reivindicación indígena(pp. 323-348) -- A reading on the right to freedom of the press in South America from the United Nations and inter-American systems for the protection of human rights(pp. 349-364) -- Remoción arbitraria de magistrados de las salas de lo constitucional en países centroamericanos: perspectivas desde la realidad hondureña y salvadoreña y el rol del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos para el restablecimiento de la independencia judicial y el Estado de derecho(pp. 365-394) -- O Negacionismo ao Genocídio Armênio no Século XXI: Uma Análise dos Tratados de Sèvres, Lausanne e suas Relações com o Negacionismo Turco(pp. 397-416) -- La asistencia militar: una figura de garantía de los derechos humanos en Colombia(pp. 417-442) -- Acuerdo de cooperación entre el Gobierno de Colombia y la Oficina del Fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional: ¿pacto de no agresión?…”
Libro electrónico -
56731Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…AN OVERVIEW OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING IN WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES -- 4.1.1. Sources of Funding -- …”
Electrónico -
56732por Brandsen, TacoTabla de Contenidos: “…New Perspectives on Leading Service Co-Production / chapter 9.1 Case Study—Leading Co-Production -- The Case of Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service’s Community Volunteer Scheme / chapter 9.2 Case Study—Enhancing Co-Creation Through Linking Leadership -- The Danish ‘Zebra City’ Project / chapter 10 The Increasing Role of Digital Technologies in Co-Production and Co-Creation / chapter 10.1 Case Study—How Public Services in Sweden Help Newcomers to Integrate in the Labour Market and Society Through the Digital Platform Mobilearn / chapter 10.2 Case Study—ICT and Empowerment of Frail Elderly in Flemish Municipalities / chapter 10.3 Case Study—Remote Health Monitoring with Wearable Sensors and Smartphones / chapter 11 Legal Dilemmas of Co-Production and Co-Creation / chapter 11.1 Case Study—The European Disability Card / part, 3 Co-Production and Co-Creation in Different Domains -- chapter 12 Co-Production in Healthcare / chapter 12.1 Case Study—Co-Producing Recommendations to Reduce Diagnostic Error / chapter 12.2 Case Study—Co-Production of Secondary Health Services in Nigeria and Ghana / chapter 13 Parents as Co-Producers in Primary Education / chapter 13.1 Case Study—Partners for Possibility -- Co-Production of Education / chapter 13.2 Case Study—Co-Creating School Meals Services / chapter 14 Co-Production and the Environment / chapter 14.1 Case Study—Balade Verte et Bleue and Ilôt d’eau -- Co-Creation and Co-Production for the Environment / chapter 14.2 Case Study—Co-Producing Flood Risk Governance in England, the Netherlands and Flanders / chapter 15 Co-Production in Community Development / chapter 15.1 Case Study—Co-Production and Community Development in France / chapter 16 Providing Public Safety and Public Order Through Co-Production / chapter 16.1 Case Study—The Blue and You Police-Community Forum -- Co-Production of a Community Conversation / chapter 16.2 Case Study—Dutch and Belgian Citizens’ Motivations to Engage in Neighbourhood Watch Schemes / part, 4 The Effects of Co-Production and Co-Creation -- chapter 17 Co-Production, Co-Creation, and Citizen Empowerment / chapter 17.1 Case Study—Co-Creation and Empowerment -- The Case of DR Congo in Agricultural and Rural Sector / chapter 18 Democratic Co-Production -- Concepts and Determinants / chapter 18.1 Case Study—Co-Production of New Immigrant Services in Hong Kong -- Facilitating the Integration of New Immigrants into Community / chapter 18.2 Case Study—The Rabot Neighbourhood -- Co-Production in Community Development / chapter 19 The Effects of Co-Production on Trust / chapter 19.1 Case Study—Building Trust in Work Corporations / chapter 20 Assessing the Effect of Co-Production on Outcomes, Service Quality and Efficiency / chapter 20.1 Case Study—Amadiba Adventures -- Co-Creating Community-Based Tourism / chapter 21 The Dark Side of Co-Creation and Co-Production -- Seven Evils / chapter 21.1 Case Study—Experts-by-Experience in Finnish Social Welfare / part, 5 Concluding Chapter -- chapter 22 How to Encourage Co-Creation and Co-Production -- Some Recommendations…”
Publicado 2018
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56733Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cross-country empirical studies / chapter 10 Player’s value, field performance, financial performance and stock performance of European football clubs / chapter 11 Portfolio formation using the Fama-French five-factor model with modification of a profitability variable: An empirical study on the Indonesian stock exchange / chapter 12 Analysing the impact of the double taxation treaty on foreign direct investment in Indonesia / chapter 13 The determinants of working capital requirements of manufacturing firms in Indonesia / chapter 14 Audit opinion, internal control system, bureaucracy reform, political background and the level of corruption in government institutions / chapter 15 The effect of corporate governance mechanisms and managerial incentives on corporate tax avoidance in Indonesia / chapter 16 CEO tenure period and earnings management in the banking industry in Indonesia / chapter 17 Factors affecting business lending of regional development banks in Indonesia / chapter 18 The impact of competition on bank stability in ASEAN-5 / chapter 19 Making sense of an airline’s logo makeover: The case of garuda Indonesia / chapter 20 Reminiscent bundling and product type influence on intention to purchase: A case in music industry / chapter 21 The measurement of operational risk capital costs with an advanced measurement approach through the loss distribution approach (A case study in one of the Indonesia’s state-owned banks) / chapter 22 Hijab phenomenon in Indonesia: Does religiosity matter? …”
Electrónico -
56734por Piper, H. Michael, authorTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Europa als Friedensprojekt: Der internationale Masterstudiengang European Studies an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf -- Zum Projekt "Studierende ins Museum" -- Warum wir Bindung brauchen - Empirisches Wissen und einige Mythen -- Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät -- Dekanat -- Kunstvermittlung und Marketing für Kunst - ein interdisziplinäres Fachgebiet -- Rede anlässlich der Eröffnungsfeier des Oeconomicum der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf am 30. …”
Publicado 2011
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56735por International Energy Agency.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Canada 115 6. China 125 7. European Union 135 8. India 145 9. Indonesia 151 10. …”
Publicado 2014
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56736Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Logical Limits -- The speed of light -- Granularity and extra vSwitch or network transitions -- Standardization above the network layer -- The capabilities of old stuff-The "brownfield" of dreams -- Common sense -- NFV Without SFC -- Conclusion -- End Notes -- 3 ETSI NFV ISG -- Introduction -- Getting Chartered -- European Telecommunications Institute -- NFV at ETSI -- Organization -- Impact on 3GPP -- Digesting ETSI Output -- Output -- Terminology -- Architecture-General -- Architecture-Big Blocks and Reference Points -- Use Cases -- Virtualization Requirements -- Gap Analysis -- PoC Observations -- A Look Back-White Paper 3 -- Future Directions -- Open Platform for NFV…”
Libro electrónico -
56737Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights -- 2012 EU Data Protection Reform -- 2013 California Department of Justice Agreement -- 2013 UK's Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill with Midata Rights -- 2013 Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) Code of Conduct -- 2012 EU Commission Cloud Computing Report -- 2013 California Department of Justice's "Privacy on the Go" -- 2013 EU's Article 29 Data Protection Working Party Opinion -- 2013 UK's Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) -- 2013 European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance Campaign -- Pivotal Business Event Time Line -- Notes -- CHAPTER 11 Future Consumer Data Ecosystem -- Consumer as Information Stakeholder -- Mature Consumer/Business Information Sharing Models -- The Collaborative Data Landscape -- Personal Data Flows in an Ecosystem -- Walking through the Model -- Personal Zone -- Personal Zone Connects Individual to Organizations -- Infomediaries Work on the Individual's Behalf for Businesses/Markets -- Data Aggregators in the Personal Data Ecosystem -- Three Key Components Enabling the Personal Data Ecosystem -- Frameworks: The Major Ecosystem Governance Mechanism -- Governance Manages Risk -- Recap -- Volunteered Customer Information Service Characteristics -- Personal Information as a Sovereign/Monetized Asset -- Personal Data Ecosystem -- PDE Data Elements -- PDE Roles and Flows -- PDE Data Sovereignty and Interoperability -- New Customer's Voice Feeds New Business Intelligence -- Notes -- About the Author -- Index -- EULA…”
Libro electrónico -
56738Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.7.1 Proof of Lemma 14.7.2 Proof of Proposition 1; 4.7.3 Proof of Theorem 1; 5 Complete Market Models; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Black-Scholes-Merton Model; 5.2.1 Market Model; 5.2.2 The Fundamental PDE; 5.2.3 European Options; 5.3 Greeks in the BSM Model; 5.4 Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model; 5.5 Conclusions; 5.6 Proofs and Python Scripts; 5.6.1 Itô's Lemma; 5.6.2 Script for BSM Option Valuation; 5.6.3 Script for BSM Call Greeks; 5.6.4 Script for CRR Option Valuation; 6 Fourier-Based Option Pricing; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 The Pricing Problem; 6.3 Fourier Transforms; 6.4 Fourier-Based Option Pricing…”
Libro electrónico -
56739Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Fledged on a Cliff -- International Shale -- Chapter 19 Necessary but Insufficient -- Simple Math -- The European Energy Disaster of 2022 -- The Reality-Time, Scale, Cost, Limits -- The Nuclear Option -- The Coal Story -- The Alternatives-Solar and Wind -- Biofuels -- Natural Gas -- Hydrogen -- Conclusion -- Chapter 20 Why Technology Can't Fix This -- Fact 1: Technology Does Not Create Energy -- Fact 2: Transforming Energy Is Expensive -- Fact 3: Energy Transitions Take Time -- Why Technology Can't Fix This -- Part V Environment -- Chapter 21 Minerals -- Quantity and Quality (Again) -- Economic Growth and Minerals -- The End of an Era -- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle -- Gone with the Wind -- Chapter 22 Soil -- Do We Heat or Do We Eat? …”
Libro electrónico -
56740por Schwaderer, IsabellaTabla de Contenidos: “…Neglected Aspects of the So-Called Revival of a Classical Indian Dance Form -- Previous Research and Open Questions -- Indian Influences on Western Performing Arts -- Developments in India's Performing and Visual Arts -- Earlier and Later 'Revivals' of the South Asian Performing Arts -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 8: 'The Priestess of Hindu Dance': Leila Sokhey's Repertoire and Its Reception in the Netherlands and Germany (1927-38) -- Indian Debut -- Preparing for the European Stage -- Constructing Continuity -- Artistic Individuality -- Where the Gods Are Nigh: Dutch Reception -- 'Noble Grace in the Highest Perfection': German Reviews -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 9: Roaming Between East and West: In Search of Religious Ecstasy in the Interwar Period -- Sources and Steps Ahead -- 'A Sea of Ecstasy' -- The Convert Register -- Parallel Experiences…”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico