Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Jesús 4,883
- Jesucristo 3,144
- Teresa de Jesús 1,862
- Biblia 1,780
- Historia 1,751
- Bíblia 1,718
- Jesuitas 1,629
- Sagrado Corazón de Jesús 1,470
- Cristologia 1,326
- Història 1,023
- Cristología 864
- Espiritualidad 822
- Crítica e interpretación 751
- Biografia 712
- Biografías 701
- Vida espiritual 644
- Misticismo 632
- Teresa del Niño Jesús 618
- Església Catòlica 617
- Crítica, interpretació, etc 597
- Teología 588
- culto 555
- Culto 524
- Meditaciones 507
- Sermones 505
- Vida cristiana 503
- Virgen María 492
- Corazón de Jesús 476
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 438
- Cristianisme 428
86341Publicado 2002“…Sus autores nos ayudan a compreder cómo funcionan e interactúan los distintos elementos del relato -el narrador, los escenarios, la trama, los personajes y los recursos retóricos-, buscando implicar al lector u oyente en el itinerario de transformación personal y social abierto por su desconcertante protagonista, Jesús de Nazaret. El evangelio plantea de un modo original las grandes cuestiones del bien y el mal, la vida y la muerte, la lucha entre Dios y Satanás, el modo bueno de vivir y el destino que espera a cada persona. …”
Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Teruel y Albarracín (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Biblioteca Seminario Metropolitano de Oviedo, Red de bibliotecas Iglesia Navarra, Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro -
86342por Zerubavel, Eviatar“…The fable of the Emperor's New Clothes is a classic example of a conspiracy of silence, a situation where everyone refuses to acknowledge an obvious truth. But the denial of social realities -- whether incest, alcoholism, corruption, or even genocide -- is no fairy tale. …”
Publicado 2006
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86343Publicado 2015“…Members of the genus Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are the causative agnets of many human and animal diseases. …”
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86344Publicado 2019“…More importantly, the idea that interest has no opposite expresses a certain refusal to acknowledge the power of the impulse to extinguish interest, for the self and for others. …”
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86345por Banens, Maks“…Enfin, l’étude des courriers reçus par Noël Mamère à l’occasion du mariage homosexuel célébré en 2004, nous convie à découvrir divers masques – parfois grimaçants – revêtus par l’homophobie. …”
Publicado 2018
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86346por Barone Lumaga, Maria Rosaria“…The contributions presented here – written by researchers specializing in phylogeny, taxonomy, morphometry, archaeobotany, history, iconography, the study of classical letters, and curators of collections – present the latest knowledge relating to the taxonomy of the Citrus genus and the methods used in attempting to identify ancient specimens. …”
Publicado 2018
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86347por Vrinat-Nikolov, Marie“…Les champs de l'édition, de la critique et de l'université se disputent une autorité qu'ils refusent aux traducteurs, priés de faire preuve de modestie et de rester transparents. …”
Publicado 2018
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86348Publicado 2016“…What drives us to grab a special offer, to enter the privileged circle of premium newspaper subscribers, to peruse the pages of an enticing magazine? Without doubt, it is curiosity - that essential force of everyday action which invites us to break from our habits and to become transported beyond our very selves. …”
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86349Publicado 1996“…This volume punctures once and for all common excuses for Western inaction. This Time We Knew further reveals the reasons why these rationalizations have persisted and led to the West's failure to intercede, in the face of incontrovertible evidence, in the most egregious crimes against humanity to occur in Europe since World War II.Contributors to the volume include Kai Erickson, Jean Baudrillard, Mark Almond, David Riesman, Daniel Kofman, Brendan Simms, Daniele Conversi, Brad Kagan Blitz, James J. …”
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86350Publicado 2020“…Only plants belonging to six families, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Juncaceae, Ranunculaceae, Caryophyllaceae, and Polygonaceae, out of a total of 55 in the flora of Greenland, hosted smut fungi. Carex was the genus with the highest number of host species (22). …”
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86351por Mojapelo, Max“…Of all the recordings made here since the 1930s, thousands have been lost for ever, for the powers-that-be never deemed them worthy of preservation. If one peruses the books that exist on South African popular music, one still finds that their authors have on occasion jumped to conclusions that were not as foregone as they had assumed. …”
Publicado 2008
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86352por Auclerc, Benoît“…Pour qui en effet se refuse à penser que la littérature appartienne aux arts décoratifs, pour qui pense qu'au contraire peuvent s'élaborer dans l'écriture des pratiques susceptibles d'être réappropriées et que le travail sur le langage est le lieu même où peuvent se former une pensée et une politique, alors Lire Monique Wittig aujourd'hui s'impose…”
Publicado 2018
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86353Publicado 2007“…El propósito de este libro es aclarar las razones de esta demora, las etapas y obstáculos que conocieron los dos colegios en su fundación, en su financiación, en su administración por la Compañia de Jesús hasta 1767, y después, hasta su extinción definitiva con la Independencia. …”
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86354Publicado 2013“…All this contrasts starkly with four chapters focusing on one of Nero's most principled opponents, the Stoic senator Thrasea Paetus, an audacious figure of moral fibre, who courageously refuses to bend to the forces of imperial corruption and hypocrisy. …”
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86355por Morelle, Marie“…Quand les gendarmes sont venus et qu’on a appelé la femme, elle a dit : "Non, ce n’est pas lui le gars qui m’a arrachée". …”
Publicado 2016
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86356por Garrett, Clarke, 1935-“…Political events became eschatological events, and dangers and misfortunes became simply the chastisements that a fallen world must undergo before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ can redeem it. Although some of the beliefs may now seem bizarre, Garrett shows that, at the time, they attracted many followers for whom these ideas were both reasonable and respectable. …”
Publicado 2019
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86357Publicado 1986“…Miller, author of the definitive biography of the exiled revolutionary Peter Kropotkin, traces the history of the first generations of Russians who went to Western Europe to devote their lives to anti-tsarist politics. Refusing to assimilate abroad and unable to return home, the émigrés political orientations were influenced by intellectual and social currents in both Russia and Europe. …”
Libro electrónico -
86358Publicado 1995“…La perception locale des différentes formes d'un provincialisme méprisable, le refus d'être à l'écart d'une activité perçue plus vivante ailleurs, la disqualification par la modernité des limites héritées des États-nations, la conscience d'un territoire culturel plus vaste, très tôt identifié à l'Europe : dès le début du siècle, une partie importante de l'activité artistique manifeste une intense revendication de liberté et de mobilité. …”
Electrónico -
86359Publicado 2017“…In the mid 1950s, a British taxi driver named George King claimed that Budha, Jesus, and Lao Tzu had been alien "cosmic masters" who had come to earth to teach mankind the right way to live. …”
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86360Publicado 2018“…Today, our understanding of the Legionella genus, comprising environmental bacteria and opportunistic human pathogens, has dramatically increased. …”
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